Frequenly Asked Questions

Q:  Is it the right time of year to prune my Crape Myrtles? Should I prune them back like I see the ones around town being pruned?

A:  Yes and no. Just because you see landscaping or lawn maintenance companies pruning a Crape Myrtle back as far as the main trunk does not mean it’s the right way to prune them. You should prune back only crossed-member branches, sucker growth, or branches that might be a hazard. Contact your local extension office for the proper pruning techniques, or contact us.

Q:  How do I get rid of Crabgrass?

A:  A pre-emergent should be applied in early spring. This will help to control Crabgrass before it appears.

Q:  At what height should I mow my lawn?

A:  Different types of grasses require different mowing heights. Here are some guidelines you can follow:

Warm season grasses – these should be mowed at a height of approximately 1 & 1/2″ to 2 & 1/2″. Some examples are:

  • Bermuda
  • Zoysia
  • Centipede
  • St. Augustine

Cool season grasses – these should be mowed at a height of approximately 3″ to 4″; even higher in the hot summer months. Examples of these types of grasses include:

  • Tall Fescues
  • Rebel
  • Titan
  • Southern Belle